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7 Massive Signs Your School Needs a New Website and How K12Press Can Help

Having an up-to-date and functional website is crucial for schools. However, it can be challenging to know when it’s time for an upgrade. Here are the top signs that your school needs a new website and how K12Press addresses these issues.

1. Your Website Isn’t Mobile-Friendly

If your website isn’t optimized for mobile devices, you’re likely losing engagement. With increasing numbers of parents and students accessing information via smartphones, a mobile-friendly design is essential.

K12Press Solution: K12Press themes are responsive, ensuring that your school’s website looks great and functions smoothly across all devices.

2. Difficult Navigation

If parents and students find your website hard to navigate and cannot easily find the information they need, it might be time for a redesign.

K12Press Solution: K12Press offers user-friendly navigation setups and customizable menus that enhance user experience and accessibility.

3. Outdated Design

An outdated website can reflect poorly on your school’s image. Modern design is not only about aesthetics but also about functionality and user engagement.

K12Press Solution: With K12Press, you get access to contemporary design templates that are not only appealing but also optimized for user engagement.

4. Slow Loading Times

A slow website can frustrate users and increase bounce rates. Websites that load quickly improve user experience and SEO rankings.

K12Press Solution: K12Press utilizes optimized coding and best practices to ensure your website loads quickly and efficiently.

5. Poor SEO Performance

If your school’s website is not appearing in search results, it’s missing out on potential new students and important community engagement.

K12Press Solution: K12Press includes SEO tools and practices that help improve your website’s visibility on major search engines.

6. Limited Functionality

If your current CMS limits your ability to update content, integrate new tools, or expand your website’s capabilities, consider a switch.

K12Press Solution: K12Press provides a versatile WordPress platform that enables easy content updates, plugin integration, and functionality expansion without needing expert skills.

7. Non-Compliant with Web Accessibility Standards

Web accessibility is not just a legal requirement; it’s a moral obligation to ensure all users have equal access to online information.

K12Press Solution: K12Press themes and plugins are designed to be compliant with the latest web accessibility standards, ensuring that everyone can use your website effectively.

Recognizing these signs can help you decide when it’s time your school needs a new website. With K12Press, transitioning to a modern, effective, and user-friendly school website is straightforward and beneficial. Ready to upgrade your school’s digital presence? Contact K12Press today for a consultation.

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